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Posted on: 18/07/2016

BGS art is exhibited at the V&A Museum

Year 11 GCSE art students have been working with the Victoria and Albert museum on the project ‘Indian Art and Culture’. This topic has created amazing opportunities for us, including a visit to the V&A, working with professional artist and printmaker, Bhajan Hunjan, a visit from Jane Pritchard - curator of dance at the V&A and culminated in our work being exhibited at the V&A Museum on 3rd July in a special Remembering Ram Gopal. Ms Pritchard helped to give us inspiration by showing us photographs and articles about Indian dancer and choreographer, Ram Gopal, who we have been studying and using as inspiration to create art for our project. I personally was most intrigued by the writings of Lionel Bradley, who was a dance enthusiast and wrote detailed, vividly descriptive, entries about the performances he so often attended. The experience was enriching and supported our project greatly. I was so proud to see our final prints for the topic of Indian Art and Culture being displayed in the V&A Museum.

By Hibah Awan 11C

