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BGS House System

The student body is split into 4 houses, Ali House, King House, Roosevelt House and Winton House, each House contains 10 tutor groups of roughly 30-32 students.

Each Tutor group will contain an even balance of students from Year 7 to 13 which creates a family feel in order to break down the barriers that sometimes come with different age groups. Older students then support their younger peers through mentoring and general day to day guidance.

The key staff in each house are;

Ali - Green

  • Mrs Gerring - Head of House
  • Mrs Covus - Deputy Head of House

Roosevelt - Red

  • Mr Conroy - Head of House
  • Ms Rashid - Deputy Head of House

King - Blue

  • Ms Griffiths - Head of House
  • Ms Hafeez - Deputy Head of House

Winton - Yellow

  • Mrs Sultana- Head of House
  • Miss Chotai - Deputy Head of House

In addition to Heads of House we have specialist staff to offer specific support to Year 7 and the Sixth Form.

  • Mr Churchouse – Head of Year 7
  • Dr Cole - Head of Year 12 
  • Mr Amos – Head of Year 13

We also have administrative managers who are the first port of call for parents and usually students, they are;

  • Miss Pye – HOH KS3 Admin Support (YR7&8)
  • Mrs Krasner - HOH KS4 Admin Support (YR9-11)
  • Mrs Hudson - Sixth Form Administrator KS5 (YR12&13)

A full Tutor program is delivered to each house on a weekly basis and included a House assembly, mentoring and a pause for thought reflection exercise.

Students are able to collect House points on a daily basis and competitions are run in a number of activities throughout the year in many academic and extra-curricular activities cumulating in the annual sports day where the House Cup is awarded.

BGS House System Image x4 Houses