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Posted on: 08/11/2022

BGS Diversity Prefects 2022

Introducing Burnham Grammar Schools Diversity Prefect team. 

We aim to promote diversity and shared values at the school to ensure everyone is happy, healthy and safe. We focus on inclusion and tackle any discrimination inside and outside the classroom. We make sure everyone feels accepted regardless of their gender, ethnicity, race, culture, religion, disability or sexuality. 

On a termly basis, our prefects provide challenges and informative Power Points in order to prompt discussions during form time on how to improve the school. Events our prefects have held in the past include culture day, raising money for the Pakistan flood appeals, Flag it up button, Ally ship scheme, Black history month and much more.

We can be contacted through Ms Bola or via the diversity prefect email, we are easily noticeable around the school from our black senior prefect lanyards and diversity team badges. 

Everyone at BGS deserves to be recognised for their achievements regardless of their background.

Website image diversity prefects


