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Posted on: 02/10/2023

Year 7 Forensic Science Day Success!

On September 26th, all year 7 students had a full day in the science department as part of their induction. The theme of the day was forensic science. The ultimate goal was to identify which suspect had committed a murder!

After an introduction to the case, students spent the day touring the labs, carrying out various forensic experiments.  These ranged from chromatography to flame tests and food tests. 

Finally, they watched video interviews of the suspects and analysed their body language to judge which was lying. As the day went on, the evidence started to mount! Could they correctly identify the guilty suspect?

Students in Year 7 did incredibly well during this event and had alot of fun identifying the suspect. Well done to the Science Department for a wonderful induction event for our Year 7 cohort. 

Year 7 forensic science day website image

