Interact is the school’s fundraising group, dedicated to raising money for all different charities both in the UK and beyond. We are very popular, with students from every year participating, and a leadership team made up entirely of students, who run all the meetings and organise all the activities.
Each year Interact pick one or more charities to support, and then raise money for it through a range of activities and events, like TOG days, sales and other activities put on for anyone in the school to take part in and support the cause.
Mr Leung, who is the Learning Resources Co-ordinator at BGS, supports the Interact team and oversees the fundraising activities the students run.
Interact is also part of the Youth section of the Rotary Club, and we are proud to work in partnership with them.
If you are interested in joining, or have any questions, please speak to Mr Leung or Janindu T or Aliza N (Student Heads of Interact) for more information.
You can find some more information below:
Burnham Grammar School have completed the following Charity Fundraising to date :
Interact End of Year Charity Fundraising for 2024/2025
Interact End of Year Charity Fundraising for 2023/2024
Total raised: £5619.73
Total raised : £6744.89