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Posted on: 15/04/2024

BGS Students Visit Jamie Oliver Cookery School!

On Monday 15th April, students from Years 8, 9 and 10 attended a cooking session at the Jamie Oliver Cookery School in London. Students cooked a Thai Vegetable Curry. At the end of the session, we all sat down and ate our delicious meal together. Here are some student reviews of their experience:

"I absolutely loved this cookery trip that I went on, and would love to go there again. It was so much fun from learning about the ingredients to making the Thai vegetable curry ourselves and I would definitely recommend others to go on that trip when they get the opportunity to. It helps to become more confident in yourself about your cooking skills and as well as this you can make this any time and change some of the ingredients to suit your taste. I made unforgettable memories and I became closer with other teachers and made new friends, so this trip definitely helped me in many ways. This was truly an unforgettable trip."

Sarani U, Year 9

"Really good experience and thanks for the opportunity and gave me a chance to test my cooking skills and even though me and my partner had a few setbacks it still turned out good."

Millena R, Year 8

Well done to all of our students involved in this trip! 

Jamie oliver website image

