Latest News

Posted on: 10/06/2024

Made in BGS 2024 - Friday 5th July 2024

On Friday 5th July 2024, we will be hosting our annual Made in BGS Creativity Evening at Burnham Grammar School.

This event celebrates the arts within the school, with this year's theme being called 'Flourish', showcasing our students talents and how they flourish as creatives. 

The event will take place from 5.00pm - 7.30pm on Friday 5th July, and all are welcome to attend. 

If you are an ex student/Alumni and plan to attend on this evening, please fill in the Alumni Attendance form below, confirming your attendance for this event. If you are a parent/member of the community, you do not need to fill in this form. The form below is purely for Alumni Event Purposes. 

Made in BGS - Alumni Attendance Form (Friday 5th July 2024)

We look forward to showcasing our incredible students work in Art, Design Technology, Music & Drama to you all in the Summer Term. 

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