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Posted on: 08/06/2023

Year 10 DT Students have inspiring talk with BGS Alumni & Arkwright Scholar!

This week, our Year 10 DT Students had an inspiring talk with BGS Alumni Nick Agathangelou. 

Nick gained an Arkwright Scholarship during his time in Year 12 and spoke to the Year 10's about his work, his university journey and his success within the scholarship. 

The An Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is the most esteemed scholarship of its type in the UK, designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams and change the world as an outstanding engineer of the future. 

The Scholarships are awarded to hard-working 16-year-old students through a rigorous selection process, but then supporting them through their A levels. 

Every Scholarship is sponsored by a commercial company, trade association, university, professional institution, armed service, government organisation, worshipful company, charitable trust or personal donor. This means that support is offered in various different ways, for example, valuable hands-on work experience, support for your curriculum project and a personal mentor who can help you with aspects of your studies and career planning. 

There are usually only 200 or so places with over 800 applicants and Nick was lucky enough to obtain the scholarship. Nick was given funding and bought himself Solid Works and a 3D printer to help with his studies. 

Since leaving BGS, he had gone onto University and has mastered CAD programme he has been training in. 

Nick has praised the Design & Technology Department and quoted that 'studying DT at BGS gave me a mindset, that set me apart from others at university' and this has been the key to his success through his scholarship and university so far. 

We wish you all the very best with the remainder of your studies Nick and thank you for your wonderful talk! 

